Monday, 10 December 2012

The old year and the new.

Christmas is coming and then the end of a rather eventful year, and the promise of a new beginning all over again.
    I am hoping to have the wargames room ready for an inaugral game early in the year, then  time can be spent on my priority projects, The major ones will have their own blog, but construction, and minor diversions will appear here, perhaps one day Posterity will come along and read this drivel, Who knows?

Promised photos.

Finally as promised a few gratuitous photos of progress?

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Progress in a direction.

Well the roof is on, The windows are glazed, storage sort of in place. Table built. Power in, lights- Ish.
  Can we play, not today.
Jabba has reverted to its secondary use of workshop, and the table presently hosts a multi-drawer kitchen unit and paint.
    Obviously the master plan is to provide an incentive to finish the house rebuild, it is working!

   Today will see woodwork glossed in the study, the start of papering. Finish said unit. More filler in the hallway and some sorting of storage and display units, when I stop tonight i have some re-inforcements for Sven Ericson and more peasants for Medieval Noverre requiring a finish and bases painted.
   Tomorrow, a traditional day of rest should see the rest of the papering, carpet fitted, furniture moved in and an empty table. Time for a game?

    Definitely time for some photos.

Friday, 9 November 2012

For Far TOO long, the title of this blog has mocked me, but after a period of "Interesting Times" Progress is afoot, Tomorrow, weather permitting the new roor goes on the Wargames Room, or Jabba. We can then move on with projects that have sat for too long. More troops and Terrain for the Nothelm Chronicles, A revival of my Medievals,1940s England and Colonials, There may well be brief diversions into Prehistory, Little Wars and Boys Own Gaming. But controlled progress is the order of the day. I now have a box, so everything has to fit in that, Terrain must be multi purpose, and modular, Onwards.